Friday, May 29, 2020

Hello everyone!

My name is Nemesis Della Ventura (Nemi) I'm super excited about this photography class. I bought a Nikon D7200 three years ago and I use it to take pictures of my baby girls. I know, I haven't used it to its potential because I don't know what half of the buttons are for in the camera. I've been playing with it for years and every time I do, I seem to mess the whole camera up. At one point, I regret getting that specific model just because it's bulky and heavy but since I paid for it might as well learn how to use it properly. So, i'm hoping to learn as much as I can from this class.
I've started watching some of the videos Professor Jerry has in his youtube channel, they are very informative and so far I'm learning a lot from them. I downloaded Adobe Photoshop and cannot wait to start editing photos (lasso, feather, etc). Hopefully, I will be able to envision what the professor is talking about an "A" photograph.

Here's a self portrait of myself (inspired by Vivian Maier) her work is astonishing. I took this photo with my Iphone outside in my driveway. Love how I can see the sky in the background with the grey cloud. (yes, grey- It was not a white cloud) Love the stones and my pine tree in the background and I like how you can see the cable lines. I straightened this photo with the cropper.... However, you see a horizontal line going up because my driveway is on a small hill. 

See everyone in the blog!

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