Sunday, June 21, 2020


While working on this project, I very much had the film Midsommar in the back of my mind. Few modern horror movies have any impact on me whatsoever. Midsommar is one of those rare experiences for me, and it was my favorite movie of last year. It is the story of a young woman who experiences a tragedy at home in America, so she goes on a trip to Sweden with some friends. While there, she becomes embedded with a Swedish cult during their Midsommar festival. With the exception of the opening scene, the entire movie is shot outdoors in broad daylight. I really like horror movies that are shot during the day. I always have. A sunny day can be just as terrifying as a graveyard under a full moon in the hands of a capable artist. 
I tried to communicate the character’s emotional journey through my photos. In the movie, Dani leaves the greed, tragedy, violence, and filth of capitalist society for what she believes to be greener pastures. 
All photos were shot at home on an iPhone 11 Pro Max and edited on Adobe Lightroom.


  1. Stunning, George. The quarters are particularly effective as it shows the power of intentional editing to create something that goes beyond "taking a picture" to "making a photograph". You are getting very good at this. What maces the macro project so effective is that it forces us to simplify and concentrate on just the essentials without distracting elements creeping in. Well done!


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