Sunday, June 14, 2020

Project #3

Hello Class,

For this latest project, I shot around a local reservoir and the adjacent woods.  I was trying to capture shadows and light peeking through the woods, as well as shadows and reflections off of the water.  Below are what I think are some of my better shots.  I hope you enjoy them.

1 comment:

  1. Okay Luke I'm thrilled that your really moving forward with the idea of editing. Only point out a few small details that might be helpful… Starting with one at the top, the view out across the lake with the dramatic puffy clouds is quite a nice shot. I can tell where you added light and dark and things and I can see that your feathered selections are blending nicely the one criticism I have is do you see at the very top where there are white clouds… how the whites are blown out? One of the important ideas when editing our work is like the doctors oath that they take when they first become doctors… "First do no harm." I would have to see the original file… In going to your Google Google Drive I did see a range of shots from that day some of the whites are overexposed and blown out and some are perfectly exposed so here is how I would edit in grayscale one of the pictures that has a good exposure in the sky. I will post it above.

    The next one down has better balance in terms of the whites not being blown out… The exposure was better overall. I chose this one to do the quick video posted above. My only small suggestion is not to be overly enthusiastic with saturation if the color looks the four store or to intense that can work against the image.

    Photographing on a sunny day in the woods is difficult. The light is very contrasty. See how the sky is blown out again and as you try to darken it it just turns gray?. The light is very patchy with lots of patterns of white and dark and not so much going on in the mid-tones. Waiting a little bit later in the day for the sun to go down a bit or for clouds to come over will open up the pathway quite a bit and make for more interesting photograph.

    Number four has the same problem too much contrast white and black and not enough midtones…

    Number five also has the problem of blown out whites on the clouds and not enough light on the far shore which is the focal point.

    And the last one ditto all the above… too much contrast.

    All of that said I'm very happy though with the observation of clouds on the water that was one of the points of this assignment was to get to see water and its possibilities for as a reflective surface.


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