Monday, June 15, 2020

Project 2

Hello everyone! Here is my second project. I'm not to confident with this assignment. I  know I    got a lot of good shots, but my editing isn't really that great. I    hope everyone enjoys.

1 comment:

  1. Okay Marissa… My favorite of the group is the last one of Whitney Falls. It is clean and well designed with no extraneous elements. The image right up from it of the distant view of the entrance to a rose garden seems more like a picture of a place "out there" rather than thinking more visually about creating an interesting photographic design. Move in close think about composition.

    The roses just up from that one show some skill in selecting the flower elements and retaining their color and allowing everything else to go to black and white… This is a special effect... I'm trying to emphasize straight photography and expression using conservative editing rather than special-effects in this class.

    I went and looked at the many images you posted to Google drive for this week and found several there that I liked more than the ones you posted here. When I get a chance this weekend I will create a video reviewing them and how I might edit them. Not sure why there is a white larger canvas on the first one… More to come hang in there.


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