Thursday, June 11, 2020

Week 2 water/ nature

For this week, it was a bit hard since I went shooting on a cloudy/rainy day. Wish I had a better day. However, I was leaning more towards the dark side of editing since that's how day looked.


  1. Cloudy, rainy days are the very best days to shoot in nature and work with water. Sunny days are too "contrasty" and it is difficult to find "expression" in a photographic sense.

    It looks like your flash went off in the top two... do you see how the light gets "flattened" when it is mostly coming from the front, from the camera? Do make sure it is turned off when you are out shooting. The 3rd one down is lovely for the movement of reflected light, creating a magical abstract song. I really like the mirror reflection in the next one.. I just created a 6 min video for you to show you a few more tweaks... and how to make it sing. The next 2 down could benefit from that treatment too. All in all, nice going and I'm glad the sun wasn't out!

    1. Good to know professor Jerry! I never knew cloudy days are the best day to shoot. I saw your editing video to another student afterwards where you changed the pic to black and white . I would have done it to some of these.

  2. I agree with the cloudy day comment, the sun doesn't interfere with the picture. When I went last week there wasn't a cloud in the sky, which made some of the pictures tough to modify.


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