Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Week 2

We are off to a good start... Here we are getting into week 2 already... If you haven't completed the first assignment, do take some time to catch up... Take 50 pictures of structures, symmetry, lines, angles, reflections and fill the frame.  Post all 50 to your google drive.

Take your favorite 10 and edit them for light and expression using my video instructions as a guide. (link to Photoshop channel in upper right side)  Put your favorite edited photos in a new sub folder on your drive and label it Assignment 1 or Introduction to Composition.  

Now, post your most loved 5 or so here to the blog.  Your posts here are important for attendance reasons and to create a community of learners.

For the next assignment, working with water, you can use any kind of water, but the idea is to get you outside, working with nature, instead of the built environment.  Find a stream, lake, LI Sound, etc... look closely for reflections, texture, light.  Make everything count that is in the picture... in other words, fill the frame with your intention.  Take 50.  Put them in your drive, Edit your best 10 for light and expression.  Put them in a subfolder labeled Assignment 2 or Water/Nature.  Post your best 5 or so here to share with others.

If you are using a phone, it is important to work with the whole, large file.  Don't email it to yourself, as that is oftentimes a way to get a small version of the picture, lacking detail and quality.  When you open the image in Photoshop, if your sensor is 10 mp, then the file size should show  you that it is 30 mb (mega or million byte) size file... that means there are 240,000,000  0's and 1's that make up that one picture.

Watch this recent 4 min video on editing water for light and expression.

Email me with any questions... and have fun.

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