Sunday, June 7, 2020

Project #2

Hello Class,

For this week’s project, I went down to the Sound in hopes of getting some decent shots.  Unfortunately, the only day that I could make it down there turned out extremely foggy and hazy.  At times, it was hard to distinguish the water from the sky, let alone see the horizon.  Needless to say, I struggled mightily.  Nonetheless, below are some shots that I was able to salvage – not my best work, but given the circumstances, this is the best I could do.


1 comment:

  1. Fog can be a great thing to shoot in... the moody, low contrast atmosphere can be very expressive. Knowing how to handle that in Photoshop is important. My favorite is the top one. To improve it, I would darken the rock on the left foreground, to dray your eye more into the center collection of rocks.

    Shooting in nature is actually much more effective photographically when the light is quieter and not in full sun as the light can be very contrasty in full sun and it is more difficult to achieve expression of spirit.


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